The Summit Healthcare Consultants (Pvt) Ltd is a professionally managed consultancy organization focused on health management systems, health care trainings and turnkey hospital solutions. Electrical System design and energy conversation. The combined strength of these professionals; 'Summit Team', forms the core strength of the organization. Individually, the team members are endowed with technical expertise and experience to comprehensively assimilate projects from conceptualization, execution, and operational management to the turn key project management solutions.

Pakistan Engineering Council

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   Monday : 09:00 - 17:00

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   Wednesday : 09:00 - 17:00

   Thursday : 09:00 - 17:00

   Friday : 09:00 - 17:00

   Saturday : 09:00 - 17:00

   Sunday : Closed

Monday - Sat : 09:00-17:00 Sunday - Closed Office # 33, 1st Office Floor, IT Tower Block E1, Hali Road , Gulberg III, Lahore +92-42-35239075 +92-320-7210101



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Office # 33, 1st Office Floor, IT Tower,

Gulberg 3, Block E1, Hali Road

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Ameer Complex, Naveed Shaheed Road

Zulfiqarabad No.1, Gilgit Pakistan


  Lahore Office :

  Cell: +92 320 7210101

  Tel:  +92 42 3523 9075

  Fax: +92 42 3523 9075

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  Tel: +92 91 581459738



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Director’s Message Director Engr. Imtiaz Ahmad Ownership Private Company Summit Healthcare Consultants (Pvt) Ltd, Inc.

Summit Consultants are well endowed with technical expertise and experience to comprehensively assimilate projects from conceptualization, execution, and operational management to turn key project management.

Summit is proud to be associated with a number of reputed international consultants and consultancy organizations for drawing their rich experience, latest trends and innovations qualitatively in the field of health care.

The Summit with its on going in-house research and quality improvement system always strive to keep polished with these technologies for providing cost effective and comprehensive latest solutions to the clients.

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We believe a consulting company should challenge their clients – disruptive markets need new thinking.